
Important Risk Warning in Fund Trading

202203 - V1.0


Important risk warning in Fund Trading

  1. 投資者不應只根據艾德證券期貨網頁及艾德一站通應用程式內容而作出任何投資決定。投資者作出投資決定前應先參閱有關基金銷售文件及細閱基金公司所刊發有關基金資料單張上列明的基金特色以及有關風險。您可在艾德一站通應用程式內或相關基金公司網頁查閱基金銷售文件。

Investors should not base their investment decisions on the content of this website and app alone. Investors should refer to the fund's offering documents and read carefully the summary of the key features and risks specific to this fund stated in the fund factsheet prepared by the relevant fund house, before making any investment decision. Fund offering documents can be found in the Eddid One App, and relevant fund house website.

  • 基金乃投資產品而部份涉及金融衍生工具。投資決定是由閣下自行作出的,但閣下不應投資在該基金,除非中介人於銷售該產品時已向閣下解釋經考慮閣下的財務情況、 投資經驗及目標後,該產品是適合閣下的。

Unit Trusts are investment products and some may involve derivatives. The investment decision is yours but you should not invest in the Unit Trusts unless the intermediary who sells it to you has explained to you that the product is suitable for you having regard to your financial situation, investment experience and investment objectives.

  • 基金產品並不相等於定期存款。

Unit Trusts are NOT equivalent to time deposits.

  • 投資涉及風險。過去的業績並不代表將來的表現。投資價值及基金的收入/股息可升可跌,不能保證能賺取利潤。

Investment involves risks. Past performance is no guide to future performance of the funds. Value of the investments and the income/dividend generated can fluctuate and is not guaranteed.

  • 在最壞情況下, 基金價值或會大幅地少於您的投資金額(在極端的情況下,您投資的回報可能會變成沒有價值)。

In worst case scenario, the value of the fund may be worth substantially less than the original amount you have invested (and in an extreme case could be worth nothing).

  • 基金的投資可能涉及廣泛的市場,貨幣,波幅,流動性,監管及政治風險。

The funds' investment may involve substantial market, currency, volatility, liquidity, regulatory and political risks.

  • 如基金涉及投資於新興市場,單一市場或限量地區市場或行業或小型企業,基金可能會涉及較高風險,並通常對價格變動較敏感。

If the funds invest in emerging markets, a single market or a limited number of geographical market(s) or industry sector(s) or smaller cap companies, the funds will be subject to higher degree of risk and are usually more sensitive to price movements.

  • 如基金投資於金融衍生工具,或會涉及額外的風險以及可能承受較高的波幅。

If the funds invest in derivatives, additional risks will be involved, and the funds may be subject to higher volatility.

  • 如投資以外幣計值,有關港元換算均屬指示性,僅供參考。投資總值會以港幣顯示,而持有個別基金的價值則以相關貨幣顯示。

If the investment is denominated in foreign currency, any conversion to Hong Kong dollars is indicative and provided for your reference only. Total investment value will be displayed in HKD, and individual fund holding value will be displayed in its denominated currency.


根據香港證監會《打擊洗錢及恐怖分子資金籌集指引》,持牌法團定期爲客戶進行「客戶盡職審查」。一如過去多年安排,艾德證券期貨於本年初向部分持不活躍賬戶之客戶發出「客戶年度盡職審查」通知,提示客戶於14日內登入「Eddid ONE」確認相關資料。


如客戶未能於限期前完成有關要求,其交易帳戶將會被凍結,並於本週內收到「賬戶停用通知」電郵。有關客戶應儘快登入「Eddid ONE」完成審查。成功確認資料後,其賬戶將2個工作天內回復正常。其他現有客戶將不會受到任何影響。


客戶如有任何疑問,請致電(852) 2655 0338 或 電郵至 cs@eddidsec.com 與客戶服務主任聯絡。